Strawberries by Hydroponics–
Strawberries is a
lways a promising product on the market. This wonderful, tasty and useful berry everyone wants to have on the table, all year long at any season. Retail chains offer this product all year round, but not always this cute berry in the supermarket counter has a good taste and flavor, despite the high prices.
And why is it sometimes a strawberry is called "plastic"?
The answer is simple. Logistics. The products offered in large retail chains, most of all - imported. Delivery to the farm greenhouse or field to counter may take several days.
Strawberries capricious and we know that the ripe fruit is almost impossible to maintain for a long time. In order to be retained strawberries attractive and withstand long-distance transport, special varieties were bred with stiffer pulp, large size, nice appearance, high color varieties that can be harvested in the immature form. They look great, but the taste quality - not very much, because the berry is not ripe, did not quite get enough sugar and enzymes, retained hard, tough flesh, despite the already existing intense color and certainly did not have time to get the same, familiar to all from childhood, amazing strawberry flavor "real strawberries", which we feel, tearing this delicious berry from farm to Grandma's cottage!
What we have today - is the presence of the product on offer, but we would like to have better quality, not only the appearance but also taste.
It is necessary to develop the production of this wonderful fruit as close as possible to the consumer. Delivery time from the garden to the counter should be as short as possible. From several hours to a maximum of 1 day. In this case, we will be able to please both children and adults a wonderful, delicious, sweet, fragrant berry!
The market has demand for the product, but the product, although it is on the market and is available, its characteristics - that is, the quality and taste characteristics do not meet the demands of consumers, it means - a problem.
But if we want to solve this problem, it needs to be solved with the use of modern technologies and agricultural techniques. such technologies have been developed in Israel about 20 years ago.
This small-volume hydroponics technology in containers on the suspension for growing strawberries in greenhouses. This technology has already been successfully mastered and put into production in the Netherlands, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, China, Poland, Italy, and many other countries.
are undeniable. This is the maximum yield per 1 square meter, convenient and fairly simple technology and equipment, low labor costs, high-quality berries, a small amount of substandard, waste and ultimately higher economic efficiency and profitability.
One of the most important parameters of this technology - to provide environmentally friendly products, that is, the use of pesticides is reduced to almost zero, and this is a very important indicator. The buyer wants to eat today is not only beautiful and delicious food but also safe for health, that is, net of residual amounts of various toxic chemicals, which are widely used in conventional agriculture.
To date, we have created a greenhouse, which allows you to grow strawberries in cold winter or hot summer in temperate climates. The technology and equipment are perfectly adapted to the climatic conditions of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Central Asia, and the Caucasus.
Most of the hydroponics growing in is greens, which is perfect for quick harvest and great profits, however, we suggest thinking about the possibility of growing strawberries- one of the most profitable berries in the market.
I hope this article was informative for you, I'm looking forward to hear your feedback.
Till the next time Roman from Agrosheriff